
August 30, 2014

A Wrecked Rooster...

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I am currently visiting The Grandparents S. in AZ. 
 The Grandpa is fighting a very valiant fight against cancer, and some days are better than others...
but he is doing his best to be strong and brave. I am so thankful that The Farmer and The Rooster are holding things together on the home front so I could spend a few days here with The Grandparents. 
It has been a really nice visit. This time is also allowing me to catch up on a few delayed posts. 
The Aggie Boy and a very sweet friend of his, came home for a visit a week ago. 
 When he comes home...he brings alot of energy with him! 
It is a treat to have him around!

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 The Rooster really enjoyed having his brother home. 
The Rooster recently wrecked his motorcycle and it left a few marks behind;) 
Which required a trip to the Dr. A lecture from the Dr. (who also treated The Aggie Boy 
when he...on more than one occasion... wrecked his motorcycle too! 
 It also required a trip to the pharmacy and a few different medications. 
Thankfully he didn't break anything...

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