
August 14, 2014

Stadium Of Fire...(catching up)


 One of our MOST favorite activities while in Utah is going to Stadium of Fire. 
 It is always a wonderful time! We loaded all of the family in 
The Farmer's truck and parked as close to the Stadium as we could...yet not too close;)


And then we walked...

 This is a member of The Brotherhood...
I happen to like him alot! He is a very good time!


The Aggie Boy joined us...that is always fun!...
and The Rooster refused to let me take his picture...

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This is The Aggie Boy...dancing and singing with some of my darling nieces...
They really enjoyed Carrie Underwood! 
We were at the very top of the stadium, which we have discovered is the 
very best spot to be to enjoy the fireworks show. 
The evening did not disappoint!
(photos by The Farmer)

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  1. Those are great pics of the fireworks!! How is your daughter doing?

  2. Love the fireworks pics also. I am so happy you guys got to go. I wanted to see journey so bad.


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