
July 28, 2015

It's Official!!...Part 2


The Boy worked and worked, laying out each and every letter that spelled the special 
messages for his Girl. He calculated...he measured....he worked...he sweated ;)
...and finally it was done. Ready for the plane ride. Uncle Dave first flew over the 
Colonia Juarez temple...a perfect beginning.
Next he flew over the lake...which was near the spot that the words were written. 
Finally he flew in the direction of the message...he lined up the plane, flew a little lower and
passed over the words that would change The Boy's life. 
The first pass by...His Girl didn't see it!
 Coached by PreShie...the next pass by was perfect.
 PreSh and Uncle Dave caught it all on video and It was perfect! 
The Farmer and I, along with Grandma Vicki were waiting there by the 
words as they flew was a pretty special moment.


Back on Uncle Ron's runways...where they would land...waited our family... 
And The Boy of course. It was just what he be surrounded by the 
people who helped raise him, The people he loves and who love him...the most. 
And then the big moment came....


The plane landed. And then this happened....

  199207 219 218 227 250 239 244 252

We then headed back to our house for a celebration dinner...
again...perfectly planned out by The Boy. 
We had and green, rice, salad, steaks...
and watermelon. A perfect ending to a pretty perfect day!!

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  1. Such a beautiful couple!
    Such a fun time for your family!
    Look forward to more fun wedding details!

  2. That is so cool. She is going to die over those pants someday! You know how you look back and say "why did I ever wear my hair like that or wear those clothes." That boy of yours is pretty romantic. I see you've got a gorgeous patio. I need to come check it out. I love it. Good luck with all the wedding plans. She's lucky to have YOU for a mother in law!


Tell Me Something Good