
April 8, 2008

Garden Anticipation

We have been working on the garden for the last several weeks...preparing the soil and scouring through the seed catalogs, looking for seeds that we must have. We are finally ready to plant. That's was makes farming great, it is the hope and the anticipation and the faith that you live on. Our community if filled with hope at this time of year. The weeds haven't arrived yet, the soil is beautiful and some seeds have been planted. It is a great time of year. We love our family garden and look toward the "fruits" of our labors. We have asparagas, artichokes, lots of green beans, squash (of course), okra, strawberries and raspberries. We also have several types of tomatoes and way too many flowers. (that is not my garden above....I wish it was!)
I love heirloom tomatoes. Kelly told me a couple of years ago, that a yellow tomato is just wrong. I can't say that I agree, I love all different colors! I even love a good fried green tomato.

and the above picture is what I am patiently waiting for~ Lots of yummy vegtables to enjoy.


  1. there really is nothing better than fresh veggies grown right out of your own garden!

  2. I love to garden too....when you grow it yourself, it isn't even painful to make yourself eat is in fact the opposite, totally 100% enjoyment to eat your own veggies.


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