
April 10, 2008

I Got Tagged!

What am I doing?working, celebrating a friends b-day
What am I proud of today?my Kell
What am I thinking about?why do we plan church b-ball??
Who is home?Kell, and kids
Plans tonight?chruch b-ball
My weekend was;wonderful and uplifting
What's for dinner?taco salad
Thoughts about love;I am lucky in love
Feelings about my life;blessed
What I want?to get our house built
What I need?nothing
What I have?everything
My pet peeve?intolerance
My guilty pleasure?PW apple dumplings
What you don't know about me?hummmm if I tell then you'll know
What I can smell?taco salad
What I can hear?nothing, (they all left)
My style?simple classic
My hairdo?curly (not by choice)
My outfit?jeans and polo
My mood?happy
Weather today?windy
Thoughts on parenting;it's passing too fast
Thoughts on marriage;he's my soul mate
Thoughts on politics;nothing good to say
Thoughts celebrity gossip;not interested
Thoughts on Beauty;I love all things beautiful
Thoughts on sleep;I love it
Thoughts on writing;not too good at it
My favorite appliance;Bosch
My favorite car;mine
My favorite splurge;beautiful religious art
My favorite beauty-secret;water, water, water
My favorite treat?chewy sweethearts
My favorite pleasure;cooking, and gardening
Ten years ago?Rooster was one and Kelly was in the hospital in Mexico City
Five years ago?we started roasting chile
One year ago?our peaches froze
One year from now?our house will be done!(hopefully)
Five years from now?Kids in college and Rooste dating
Ten years from now?hopefully some grandbabies
I'm famous for?my zennias, or meatballs (a toss up)
I' ll never be famous for?my basketball skills (sorry Dad)
Who I am?a farmer;s wife
Who I hope to be?a better farmers wife
What I am thankful for?my life

I now tag Kim, my sister-in-law


  1. lovin' the springy look of the blog there, shelley.

    those pw apple dumplings are sooo yummy! i wish i could have one!

  2. I love reading these things! That was fun- thanks! Good to see things are going well for you!


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