
April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to My Boy Jord!

I had thought that I would do a tribute to Jordan today, and I will, but he was in a terrible car accident yesterday on the way home from school. One of his friends was killed and you can imagine that we are full of emotion, gratitude and sorrow and celebration for his birth. We waited along time for our Jord. We went through alot to get him....anyway hopefully tomarrow I will be able to catch up here on the blog. Today is also the birthday of our Grace who would have been 19. She was stillborn and we miss her. So check back I will catch up. The red tulips are in honor of Gracie. While I was pregnant I planted a ton of red tulips in front of our house in Utah. When I came home from the hospital after her birth, the deer had come into the yard and eaten all the tulips. It broke my heart. Then a beautiful arrangment of flowers arrived from some friends and it was filled with red tulips. Interesting huh? Each year on her birthday I place red tulips on her headstone. Anyway...It has been an interesting couple of days.


  1. oh, shelley, i'm just on my way out, but i just read this post and i just want you to know that i am thinking about you. let me know what's going on when you can. I am so sorry.

  2. Hey, Shelley, I am one of your new readers and am so sorry for the loss of your son's friend. I lost my best friend at 19 and it was really hard. I will keep you guys in my prayers.

    I love that you have a flower to remind you of your sweet daughter.

    And just because I have to because I am me and I like to keep things on the light side...have you ever wondered if it wasn't the deer who ate your tulips, but your friends who may have cut them down to put in an arrangement...surely not, but that was a thought that cynical old me had, and I thought it was a funny thought.

    God bless you guys.

    P.S. You don't live ine the Mormon colony down there in Mexico do you? I have a friend whose family is from there...Whetton.

  3. happy birthday jordan hope you get better soon love sage

  4. We are so thankful that Jordan is safe and sound. God bless!

  5. Please post soon and let us know how you all are! You're in my prayers! Life is precious! Happy Birthday to your Gracie too! Love red tulips - now they'll always remind me of her!
    Love ya! Take Care!


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