
May 22, 2008

Happy Birthday To Our "Rooster!"

Today is the big "11" for the Rooster! So I thought a little tribute was in order. Rooster is our "well adjusted 3rd child" or he is also our youngest, he fits into a couple a spots and has the characteristics of all. He is a darling boy and has been from the start. He is very loved by his brother and sister who couldn't wait for him to arrive. The above picture is in the hospital, when they got to meet him for the first time. He was my biggest baby...almost 9 pounds and came with the cutest dimple in his chin. His Dad named him Rooster, because he would wake up in the morning when the sun came up. The name stuck and the whole town knows him as Rooster, even the people who own our neighborhood store call him "gallo."
Rooster has been my little partner, always close by. He loves to be at home with me. He loves to be anywhere if his family is close by. He likes to have his friends at our house rather than going off to play. His is very kind and thoughtful and seems to know when your day was hard or you are just feeling a little sad. He is loved by all who know him for his kindness and just plain sweetness. The Mom thinks he is a pretty special.
He loved his chupon and kept it for a very long time.... he called it his "chupie" and had quite a collection before he gave it up.

He is a great friend, and loves his cousins like brothers. We are so grateful for our would not be as sweet without him. He has been a great blessing of comfort to his Mom, through some very difficult times. He has a special gift for people and a great mission on this earth. We love you Rooster!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Rooster!! I never knew how he got that nickname. I love Rooster too, he has always been so kind and respectful. I was so impressed with him when we first moved down- how nice he was to Jamison. I'll never forget when he came over to play and I (being a mom of young children and new in town) had no idea he was supposed to be in school!! The whole town was out looking for him and he was just right in my house playing with Jamison!! Funny and sweet boy....


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