
May 20, 2008

More Reasons To Be Grateful!

This is right where The Boy was sitting in the car, the spot with the most damage.
On the way to one of the farms, Kelly noticed the car from Jordan's recent accident, and decided to stop and look. He came home in shock, amazed that The Boy is alive and well. The Boy and I went to look at it on Saturday and well words just don't describe first, the condition of the car and second, our profound gratitude for the life of The Boy. It was a bit much for him, I am not sure if he really was ready to see the car. He was surrounded and protected, there is not other way he could have survived.


  1. wow. that picture really shows the miracle of jord's life! wow. i'm going to go celebrate the miracle with the cherry ice cream recipe!

  2. Wow, that car is a scary sight. The Boy has had several close calls. You must pray like mom, I attribute the fact I still have all of my limbs to her prayers.

    I like all the farm pictures, almost makes me want to emigrate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what is torias blog name!!!


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