
May 14, 2008

The Solecito

We bought this land 5 years ago, 50 acres to build a house on. When we got it, it wasn't in very good shape. A lot of dead trees and no well. Five years later it is just beautiful! We have our trees layed out for the driveway and the pecan orchard planted. We hope to break ground very, very soon! All of our businesses have the word "Sol" somewhere in the name...this land is the Solecito - the little sun.


  1. what a dream! lucky lady! the solecito is full of love!

  2. oohh, i love the process of building a new home- mostly

  3. Not many people's blogs can make me dream (of building a house one day!), make my mouth water (at recipes and pics of cherries!), and make me cry (about realizing my need to be more grateful for my 2 healthy children) ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Shelley, you are wonder woman!

  4. what a great place you have. good luck and have fun with the house. also, your kids are darling!

  5. It looks beautiful - I remember what it looked like 2 yrs. ago. You should have a ground breaking with a golden shovel!:) You deserve it - can't wait to see the sure and post picts.

  6. Are you kidding me?? (In a good way) Your life is amazing! I'll be back.

  7. Aunt Shelly! I didn't know you had a blog! How exciting. I love reading everyone's blog and finding out whats going on at home. I'm going to add you to my list of friends! :-)

  8. Very beautiful!! I hope we will get to see you sometime soon!


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