
May 3, 2008

Livin' it Up!

We are on somewhat of a little family vacation....the boys are fishing and the girls are shopping! Does it get any better than this?? We will be home on Monday and I will update then. P.S. the best part of the vacation is actually that Kelly's cel. phone doesn't work in the mountains! Horray!


  1. yes that is the best part of vacations with the hubby- when the cell phone does not work- my man's ear is constantly attatched, and it does bug me more often than i admit.

  2. i am with you on that. we have a little place we go on the coast that cells don't work. i love it! not sure when the last trip was that it was not monopolized by work calls

  3. the cell phone is out- great. let's hope he also doesn't have access to internet chess? perfect!!

  4. You have to love true and total escape...we never do that enough in our fast paced lives.


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