
May 3, 2008

Oops! I Forgot I Was Tagged!

Sorry Jan! I had great intentions and well............... I'm not finding a great excuse at the moment. So here goes:

1. pick up the nearest book
2. turn to page 123
3. find the 5th sentence
4. post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people

The book is - These Is My Words
Here is the 5th sentance - "I kinda like the way the cold air smells and the way everything sounds early in the morning in the winter."

Me too! That is a true statement for me.

Now I will tag -
1. I'm So Funny
2. Rachelle
3. Kim
4. Cedar
5. Pedaling

Have fun!


  1. k- i'm on it-i'll post tonight

  2. I won't do it...I refuse to! :) I hate being tagged, but because I am honored and touched that you thought of me, I will consider complying for a moment or two and then I will probably forget about it.

    Hope you won't hate me. I do love you, I do. I just can't live up to the awful expectation. It's JUST TOO MUCH PRESSURE! he he


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