
June 2, 2008

Apron O.C.D.

It was apron weekend around here. I had some fun fabric on hand and just got the itch for a cute apron. Well, two aprons later....I guess I must suffer a little (or alot) with O.C.D. if one is good than two must be better, right? I think all the embelishments were the most fun. Cute buttons and ball fringe made them really extra fun!
More aprons to come....this weekend got the creative juices flowing, so I am now on the search for more cute fabric, and am anxious to try some new styles.


  1. ok, i saw the cutest apron involving cupcakes- i'll post it on my blog- it made me think of you as you love both cupcakes and will want to add this website to you list of faves -it's everything to do with cupcakes

    those aprons you made are cute, by the way.

  2. No stinkin' way! Those are so cute. I have been dying to make an apron but am too chicken. Sewing is not my forte.

  3. Very Cute! We're in the process of making some dang cute aprons for our trek. Couldn't resist.

  4. SOOOOO dang cute! I want one! My birthday is July 8th...hint, hint.

  5. Your aprons are too cute! I really want to make one now, but, alas, my sewing machine is in EP preparing to be repaired! So when are you going to Mazatlan? Or did you already go? I wish you could have been there on Monday. I did have a really good time with Shauna and her family. I especially enjoyed the visit with her mother. I LOVE being around people that are a little bit older then me because I can gleen so much wisdom from them! Anyway, it would have been even better if you were there!

  6. Woohoo! I wish my sewing machine wasn't broken.

    I am an apron revivalist. I don't know when it happened, but women stopped using them. I don't understand it.

    Actually, I do. Women (some women) used to wear dresses all day, they needed an apron to protect their nice clothes. Women (some women) today wear their gray sweatpants all day and may or may not change to go to the grocery store or to have a meeting with their child's teacher.

    Aprons are my gift of choice whenever I have a wedding, shower, or appreciation gifts to give.

  7. I LOVE THIS! TOO CUTE! I can not sew a lick!


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