
June 4, 2008

These Make Me Happy!

ARTICHOKES!!! They are my favorite, they have been all my life. Back in the day, my Mom would always let us choose what we wanted to eat for our birthday dinner, and I would always choose artichokes. When you purchase them in the store, they start at $1.50 each and are usually more than that. We discovered that our climate is perfect for growing artichokes. Horray for us! We watch and we wait until the first one shows itself and each person secretly hopes that no one else has seen it. Today is the day....we have three ready to the question will be....who will eat them. I am pretty sure that the Farmer and I will enjoy them for lunch.....while the children are at school. Shhhhh, Don't tell!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness! Can I say I am completely envying your life? Can I come and live with you?! How fabulous that you can grow artichokes. If you have a favorite recipe would you be willing to share it?

  2. Okey dokey artichokey!

    Sorry, couldn't help myself.

  3. Brad & I went to dinner at a friend's house the other night...the main course was ARTICHOKE. Just one big artichoke on each of our plates. Hmmm! I was afraid I might starve to death!:) I learned how to eat them (whole)...they made a great dip and it was yummy! Learn something new everyday!:)


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