
June 23, 2008


Be still my heart! I came across a site with the most wonderful aprons! I have been dreaming and planning and plotting....they are a NEED not a want! HEAVENLY HOSTESS is worth a visit. Very unique and very fun aprons. This one above makes me think of a Mexican Fiesta, like 5 de Mayo, or for us the 16th of September is a big party day, hummmmm this one is a must for me.
This one I just love. It is happy, and reminds me of the Zinna's I grow every year.This one is classic and would be a great addition to any apron collection.
This is a gardening apron...again I love it! A large pocket on the front for all the squash or green beans that you might have just picked.


  1. those are so cute and now i am off to check out heavenly hostess

  2. Very cute, I know where you can get the fabric for the zinna apron, I've used that exact same fabric for a hooter hider. I love your obsession.

  3. I've never thought of having an apron for gardening....what a great idea for the stuff you have to pick.

  4. Love the top apron with the spanish flair! It's perfect for you!

  5. Wow...I just might start wearing aprons if they are that cute!!

  6. Those aprons are so cute! If i had one that cute, i might feel like cooking!

  7. I love that mexican looking one too! I am pretty sure that fabric is alexander henry mocca- if not, it looks just like some fabric I just used.

  8. oops i mean alexander henry pink zinnia, (they both look alike) you can find it on fabric stores and on ebay.

  9. I love, love, love all these aprons. I told my mom that I was going to start wearing aprons and she flipped out and told me that I was going to look dowdy (whatever that means) and if I'd talked to my husband about this and that she was going to call Jeni Romney so that she could give me some fasion advice and straighten me out. I don't know, maybe she was scarred from her childhood in the 50's when they had to wear aprons every day. But who cares, I'm going to wear aprons anyway.....some day....when I have time to make one....

  10. Love all the aprons! Did you get them all? TOO DARLING...and DIVA I might add! LOL

  11. I have got to get me one of those aprons, or all of those aprons. They are so cute. I love your site. Thanks for sharing.


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