
June 21, 2008

My First Blog Award!

While I was on vacation I didn't have the chance to blog....and so I didn't know that a darling blog friend Rae, gave me this award! Thanks! GO HERE to meet Rae and be inspired by her. She loves life, loves the Lord, loves her family, and is an inspiration. I love to check in on her and her great life back east. Hugs Rae, thanks again!


  1. I ditto Rae! Love your blog, love reading what's happening...don't want to live in MX though (like Rae does)! hee! hee!

  2. Me Rae's blog..tell her I just got the All American Girl Tee from Sundance in the mail Sat! Love, Love, Love it! She should order it! It's my new favorite shirt!

  3. Congratulation on your award. I think you deserve it!

  4. Man! I wanted to be the first one to give you an award! Congrats!
    I have one waiting for you! I need your email address so I can send her to you! Go to my page and you can see her and get my email address and contact me!


Tell Me Something Good