
July 18, 2008

Another Day In Paradise

These are pictures that I took yesterday afternoon. I rained most of the afternoon but let up enough for me to visit the scout camp and check in on the boys (and men). This is the hotel I am staying at...I LOVE IT!!
This tree is literally 50 yards from my room, on the edge of the golf course. I ran right past this tree in the morning, came back in the afternoon, after the storm, and this is what we found. It had been struck by lightening. There was bark everywhere. It was really a sight.
Here is The Farmer with a chunk of bark to show the boys back at camp. You can see how incredibly beautiful this place is, the golf course is in the background.
Rooster and the gang did their 5 mile hike yesterday and came through town. They took a little rest and this is where I caught up with the. They were having such a great time! Good thing they had their rain ponchos was raining.
Here's little Rooster with the burnt bark that The Farmer saved for him. He thought it was pretty interesting.


  1. Love the pictures.
    Amazing about the tree. Don't believe I've ever seen anything like that before!

  2. looks so fun! am i actually jealous of you at scout camp? that crazy lightning better stay away from my roostie!

  3. Where is this scout camp?? It can't be in Mexico, can it?:) Looks sooo enjoyable!:)


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