
July 18, 2008


I love her! This is PreShie. I have been blessed! I have always known that,(in regards to her) but I have been so touched this week with her strength. She has had a hard week. It has been very emotional and stressful. I will write about that later. Anyway, because I have been away, she has had to deal with some challenges without me. I am sorry about that PreShie, but I am very proud of you! When she was born, the lady I had helping me in our house thought she was perfection. And so did we! Right away she was nicknamed PRECIOUS. It stuck. Now we call her Presh or PreShie. That is who she will forever be. She is beautiful! She is talented! She is a wonderful photographer! She looks just like The Farmer...really she does! I cannot image our life without her. I love you my PreShie...I am sorry you had such a rough week...Thank you for choosing to be so Strong!


  1. I love PreShie, too, and I'm so glad she is my daughter's friend. I am so sorry she is going through some hard times. Plus, things seem to be magnified when you are that age. I'm glad she is so strong...

  2. What a darling picture and such a sweet post. I am glad she is strong and that things are better now!

  3. She has grown up sooo much! I still picture her with her wild curly hair, sucking her thumb!:) She's beautiful!

  4. Wow! I can't believe that's little Precious! How old is she now? What a beautiful young woman! I remember babysitting her when she was just a baby =) I enjoyed your post!


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