
July 8, 2008


The Farmer loves Granola! So early this week I made a batch that I thought would last awhile.....well this morning the jar was basically empty. Time for another batch! The great thing about granola is that you can basically put anything into that you like. I combined several recipes to come up with the one we like at our house.
8 c. rolled oats
1/2 c. coconut (I used sweetened)
1/2 c. sliced almonds
1 c. pecans, roughly chopped
1/2 c. ground flax seed
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. real maple syrup
1 c. canola oil
1/2 t. salt
1 t. vanilla
1 T. cinnamon
1 T. nutmeg
Mix all dry ingredients in large bowl. In smaller bowl mix together oil syrup and vanilla. Add into dry mixture, stirring until combined. Bake at 200 degrees for 1 1/2 hours stirring every 15 minutes. When cool, add 2 c. rice krispie cereal and whatever dried fruit you like. We add dried cranberries, pineapple and dried apples. You can also add sunflower seeds which are great too. It is wonderful with milk, with yogurt or over ice cream. A family favorite for us, hope you enjoy too!


  1. Oh, I am SOOOO going to make this! It looks SO good! I have never attempted my own granola.

  2. Everytime I read your blog you're cooking up something delicious! I want to be like Shelley kids want me to be like Shelley too (I'm sure)!:)

  3. I just realized...I am like Shelley!:) Look at my blog, I copied your writing style...BIG letters throughout the sentences for great effect/affect?! I love it! Now I just have to work on the cooking thing!:)

  4. This looks so yummy! I wish my family would eat it!

  5. It looks super yummy! I love the glass jar too!! I'm going to definitely make this too! Love your signature! :)

  6. i eat granola each and every morn these days with yogurt and fruit-yum yum!

  7. mmm i love homemade granola! i love that you put it in the big apocathery jar. it looks super cute. great idea! (and wow, the work it must take you to fill that mahusive jar. i guess that's having teenagers for ya. not that the farmer has a small appetite either.) yum!

  8. Yummy...I will have to try that one.

  9. Hi Everybody! I’m freaking out! I have been getting weird comments from strange people, so I’ve changed my blog address. I had no idea I would get so many visitors, so I foolishly used my real full name in my address. Duh! Anyway, my new blog address is . Please, please, PLEASE, whether you have my address in your favorites, your link list or your blog roll, update my address so I can keep having you as a visitor. I love, love, LOVE your visits and comments, so please keep coming! Thanks!

  10. Yum, I made two batches of this tonight for my farmer, he loves it too. Thanks for the great recipe!

  11. Sister...I tried to call you today. You're a mighty difficult person to get a hold of. I hope you're all doing well! Love you mucho!


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