
July 8, 2008

Long Needed Cleaning!

Wow! That is word I am left with. Shame on me for waiting TOO long to do a deep cleaning in my kids rooms! SHAME!! I bought a new dresser for my boys room, which required re-arranging and moving the existing pieces. Before you judge...remember I live in a dusty farming town and I think those darling boys of mine brought most of the dirt from the farm, into the house. We do clean at our house...really we do! Our businesses have kept me very very busy for the last while and I have not given the time to the house that I should have....anyway....with cleaned carpets, sorted clothes, shoes and toys we have a fresh start.
NOW, for the darling girls' room.....
p.s. thanks Rae for the cute signature idea! I love it


  1. So I'm not the only one who has dust in my house? I totally think you should have posted a before and after picture!

  2. I feel like I live on a farm with the two big dogs in my backyard! They stir up such dust and dirt!
    Can't stand it!
    Love the illustrations and loved the signature too! Very cute!

  3. my favorite part of this story is the huge pile of candy wrappers under roostie's bed! too funny.


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