
July 15, 2008

The Puppy Report...

I thought a quick update on the puppies would be a good thing since a few of you have asked. The mamma dog gave birth on Friday night and Saturday. She had 13 pups which was just too much for her. We are left with seven and a very very sick mamma dog. We thought we were going to loose her yesterday in the morning but luckily the vet got to our house fast enough. She is resting, doing much better today, and our cousin dog who recently had puppies is now nursing the pups. PreShie was up every three hours last night making sure the pups were eating. She is on puppy duty since the boys are gone to scout camp, lucky girl! She is doing an awesome job. I hope to post some pictures later today....we will keep you posted!


  1. WOW! That is a lot of puppies! I would be sick too! We will have to come down in a week or so and have a look at the cute little balls of fur.

  2. 13? That sure is a lot! I'm sorry she's so sick :(, but I'm glad she's doing better.

  3. i hope the mama recovers quickly..13 is alot of pups- do you sell them?


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