
July 12, 2008

It Is Way Too Quiet Around Here

Today, The Boy and Rooster, along with the other young men in the ward, left for scout camp in mountains of New Mexico. This is Roosters first time to go, he was a little nervous, a little worried, but I know he will have a great time. Next Wednesday The Farmer (and his Wife) are going to the scout camp to take over scout duty, well The Farmer is taking over scout duty and his Wife will be reading a couple of wonderful books under the pines! The Boy is nominated for Order of the Arrow and is quite excited about that, since he is already an Eagle Scout, he will be participating in a High Adventure program of mountain biking as well as earning a few more merit badges. It will be all fun and games for him.
Uncle Dave and Aunt Shauna saying goodbye to The Boy....
Aunt Wendy sharing a few last minute instructions with Uncle Clayt for the care and keeping of her fine young boy, I am sure Uncle Clayt didn't forget a thing....he is responsible that way!
Boys who are ready to hit the trail....BUT....
Aunt Mary has a few final words of advice, counsel....umm...tears...(hehe) before the car pulls away. Uncle Clayt has heard enough from the Mom's and is ready to go!
It will be a great week at scout camp!


  1. You are so cute! I love the pictures. It really makes me miss being home! But, I am loving having my mom's help with the twins for a few weeks. I hope the boys have fun!

  2. I love all of the "advice" the mama's gave! Scout Camp sounds so foreign to me since JK is only 2 but I do not doubt it will be in my life before I know it! Enjoy your week!!

  3. THIS WAS TOO FUNNY! I LOVED the pictures of everyone and the descriptions to go with them! TOO DARLING!
    Hope you enjoy your time reading and that the men and young men leave you alone!
    BRAVE woman I say, brave woman!

  4. PUPPIES!? Can I have one?? Seriously, tho? Can I? I wish you would answer the phone one of these days so I could tell you how I got that wonderful nickname! Love ya sis.


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