
July 11, 2008

Shhhh...Don't Tell Him I'm Blogging...

Our "season" has officially started. Thank goodness I got the kids rooms cleaned when I did. From here on can find me roasting chile. Not too long ago the Pioneer Woman did a little "how to" about roasting green chile. WELCOME TO MY LIFE!!! Only multiply that by a few million pounds. I have been at the plant all day, I am grateful that at least it is close to our house. When I entered the house this evening I hoped to hear "Hi Mother Dear we love you so.." instead I was greeted with "hey, what's that smell??" To which I answered.."Darlings...that is the smell that makes our world go around...and also the smell of your Mother at the moment." Being in the plant all day left me smelling of roasted chile, which I might add is a wonderful smell in small doses. Oh and just between us friends...I now have to lock my office door so that I can blog. What is with that??? When I hear The Farmer's footsteps coming close to my door....I quickly pretend that I would never blog at such a busy time...NO NEVER... well....maybe....okay so I am addicted. I can admit it. The truth is, I really have missed you all over the last couple of I now need to find a "creative" way to keep both ME and THE FARMER happy, so here is the deal, DON'T TELL ON ME, and we will all be happy!:)
*We are birthing puppies, even as I type, I will update later*


  1. We've missed you, too! And I LOVE the smell of roasted chile! You would be welcome in our house any time! I'm with you on the blogging thing. I'm addicted, but I only try to limit myself to when I'm breastfeeding (which is almost always)
    or after everyone goes to bed. Then I end up staying up til 1:00 in the morning because I'm having too much fun! I need therapy.....

  2. P.S. Can't wait to see pictures of the puppies!

  3. I won't tell! I'm too far away anyway! I've missed you and I hate you didn't get to enter the contest. Not to worry, they'll be others I'm sure! Just you wait!
    By the way, did you enter either of the other contest going on now on my page...the comment on the picture or the bloggin to win buttons? There are buttons on the side bar that take you to the link for both contest.
    Can't wait to see the pictures of the baby puppies!

  4. Okay, I'm laughing...I'm sitting in the office with the door locked (3 kids knocking on it) and I'm blogging!
    So you're training for Moab again??? What??? Does the Farmer know THIS?:) You definitely need a "neck wrap" at the very least!:) I'll send you one...still have your PO Box in Deming? You're gonna love it!
    APPARENTLY (according to the Sheriff) you have sensors on the back of your neck which regulate your body heat...thus making the neck wrap a "perfect cooling system!" Thank goodness we have The Sheriff!:)

  5. i won't tell.
    and i know what you mean, it can be embarrassing, this addiction we have. but, hey, we're in good company right?
    the work will get done - no worries, so blog away.
    and i am looking forward to seeing the pups!

  6. Ooooh...I want some chile this year. Is it too late?

  7. that dang pioneer woman stole your chile!! i was poolside today, and the most delicious smell wafted in. . . it was your chile! mmmm! i'm giving myself room to breathe from the blogging too. it quickly becomes addicting. i'm recovering too. anyhoo, you show that p-dub the original chile lady is right here!!

  8. Your secret is obviously safe with takes one to know one.


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