
October 8, 2008

A Few Last Tastes Of Summer

Summer is winding up for us. The days are still warm but the nights and early mornings are very cool, actually cold. The leaves are falling from the trees and Fall is basically here.
We are enjoying the few last tastes of summer. The Radishes are from the garden, not only beautiful but tasty. This year I planted 18 tomato plants and they promptly died. Which has never happened to me before. So I again planted about 20 plants and I ended up with 3. But they have produced very well. Because of my garden ,along with generous neighbors, I filled many bottles with homemade tomato sauce. Yum!

The will be perfect for Tortilla Soup, spaghetti sauce, and homemade tomato soup! It has been a great year for bottling, and it feel good to have a fully pantry!


  1. So beautiful!!! The colors are amazing!

  2. Is that a table cloth they are on? If it is, I have to have one of those!! You are amazingly talented and so ambitious! I love it.

  3. Oh my those tomatoes...not the can have ALL OF MINE!


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