
October 7, 2008

I Think I May Have A Problem....

I haven't cleaned my purse out in awhile....and since I have a new purse in my life;) I thought it was time. I mean really....why put junk in the "new purse." So this is what I found a the bottom of my old purse, pens, in every color you can imagine. I really do love pens, but this was a suprise even to me. The Farmer was shocked and quickly said he would look for the best "pen rehab" program that he could find. Well, atleast I am supplied for awhile.
You have to admit, there is nothing better than a good pen!


  1. Love your pumpkin header picture!!! Looks so festive.

    That is quite the pile of pens you have collected! I love how particular you are being with your new Italian bag! I would be the same way! :) Don't forget to post a picture of your new purse!!!!

  2. yeah, i have the same problem. maybe we can join PA (pens anonymous) together.

    post your new purse for us to be jealous of please. :)

  3. What a colorful stack of pens! I LOVE pens too! If you need someone to give them to, please put me on the list! Love the pumpkins too!
    Please show me the purse so I can drool!

  4. Wow! That's quite the collection! LOL Yes, I do think you have a problem...

  5. Good Heavens!! You always seemed to be the pen loving type. Love the bottles too.

  6. Your purse is Mercedes dream come true. She gets very upset when I don't have a pen in mine.

  7. PENS! I LOOOOVE PENS! I'm addicted to them. And Sharpies. I have every sharpie color possible. lol And some I have double of! lol Maybe you should send me some to... you know ... lighten your load. LOL :D

  8. I love the g2 pens too.

    And I correct you, there is nothing better than not having to dig too hard for a good pen at the bottom o f your purse...looks like you are covered!


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