
November 11, 2008

Have You Ever Had One Of These????

The Phone Call -

Ring, Ring, Ring....

Me: Hello

Farmer: Hi Hon, what are you doing?

Me: I am trimming the roses, cutting back's that time

Farmer: Oh great! So how do you feel about Palm trees?

Me: What do you mean?

Farmer: Like, where would you like them planted?

Me: Are you kidding me? I am not a fan of the palm.

Farmer: I found this guy selling some great trees,.....AND....I am thinking

about where we could plant them.

Me: Seriously???

Farmer: So how many do you want?

Me: Did you hear the part where I said I am not a fan of the Palm?

Farmer: I was thinking a few would be good.

Me: Do we have a lovely swimming pool that I am not aware of?

Farmer: how many?

Me: Go ahead and get as many as you would like, I am not sure how they will

work into our landscape, but whatever.

Farmer: Hey! Thanks! That is all I needed....your permission.


  1. I love those! I saw to mine, if you knew you were going to do it in the first place, WHY did you need to ask me? just so I could waste my breath! TOO CUTE!
    So, where's the swimming pool going to be?

  2. Oh my goodness! You are too funny! Yes, you need a swimming pool now. Let me know when that's done, k?Glad you're back!

  3. yes i have had one of those conversations....except i am usually the one on kelley's end ...

    glad you are back

    and you were in utah?
    you shoulda called!

  4. So, where are the palm trees being planted??? If you want one more you can come get the one out in my front yard! (I also am not a fan of palm trees!)


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