
November 11, 2008

I'm Back!

I enjoyed my break...but I am glad to be back! Thanks to you sweet people who emailed to ask how I was. Thanks for still checking on me. It meant! Anyway, our weeks away were full. Track Meets, mission prep. with Auntie Beth, a trip to 3 states in four days, a wedding, some major business changes, as well as many other things. We just returned, last night, from a wedding in Utah. My youngest brother, Stu, began his new life as a husband and a father. It was a fun trip, but home is a beautiful place to be!
Cousins....PreShie and Sage. PreShie with a darling new haircut, thanks to Auntie Beth.
Grandparents, meeting their newest grandson...He is feeling a bit shy;)
It was great to spend a little time with extended family, especially my brothers who I do not get to see enough. We missed our brothers who could not be there. We had a great time! Thanks to The Farmer for being so patient and kind on a long trip filled with many hotel rooms;)


  1. pretty pictures.
    Tell more about what's been going on.
    I've been wondering where my sit in the mud friend has been! I was getting worried!

  2. Wow! Sounds like a full and happy time away! I look forward to reading more;)

  3. Welcome back! Such gorgeous pictures!!! I love the fall look of your blog too!

  4. So glad you're back. Missed ya. Beautiful wedding pics - love PreShie's hair. Such a pretty girl.
    You were in UTAH??? You're in trouble!:)

  5. I thought you were just "breaking" from blogging, not LITERALLY on a break (out of town!). Glad you had fun and got to get away for a while. To answer your questions, yes, I did the run for Amber 5K, and yes, we are going to MX for Christmas! yea!!!

  6. Great to have you back ....cute pics!

  7. yea! love the happy couple pic. i need more deets. let's lunch with beth this week before she's a goner!!

  8. PreShie's hair looks very stylish! I like it! Glad to have you back Shelly!

  9. What a great blog! Thanks for sharing :)


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