
November 19, 2008

Today Is The Day!

It finally arrived! She entered the MTC today. HORRAY! We are so proud of Beth and
know that she will be an amazing missionary! Today she begins the greatest adventure of
her life so far!
Bethany Setting apart
We have loved having Beth live with us for the past few months. She has been a sister,
and a great friend to The Darlings. We shared alot of laughs and alot of tears. She was
a blessing to our family. She is ready to begin this next chapter of her life. And it will
be a good one!
Stake Pres. with Beth
The Stake President (aka The Farmer) and his counselors came to our house to share
things we love about Beth, and then The Stake President gave her a beautiful blessing
assuring her that this will be a great experience for her. It was especially great to have
him set her apart. Our brothers and parents were able to participate in this great
experience through a conference call (thanks Matt!). It was a special experience. Monday
morning we left for El Paso and put her on a plane to Salt Lake City where our parents
picked her up.

Beth and PreSh
PreShie will miss her "sister" I think more than all of us combined! They have shared
alot in the last few months. Beth has set a great example for all of us, and for that
we are very grateful!


  1. awww the emotion in those pics is palpable. poor preshie! poor all of us. the first thing mady said monday morning was "i'm just sad, i miss bethany."
    i'm so proud of beth's choice and happy for her, but we will miss her! (and i may have to go brunette!)

  2. those red tearful eyes...bittersweet...but mostly sweet.

  3. so sad! what an emotional few weeks this has been. you guys are so good to take such good care of beth.

    ps. i can help you change your margin settings so your photos will not crop up if you want.

  4. Bethany is so pretty! You guys look a lot alike too! I bet Presh really enjoyed having another Gal in the house!

  5. ah, how sweet this post was. I loved seeing all the pictures. What a beautiful family!
    I've missed you in our mud sitting...where ya been? :-)♥hugs♥


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