
February 1, 2009

Called To Serve

In Honor of our Auntie Beth....who arrived in the mission field this week.
She called...we laughed...we cried...we talked about all that is to come.
We love her and are so proud of her willingness to serve.


  1. I sobbed through this...we leave Tuesday morning to take our oldest son to the MTC. I am excited, happy, scared and sad all at the same time and of course he is only happy and excited. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. WOW-this was AWESOME! I loved it! I'm going to share it all over!
    Thanks so much for posting this!
    I miss ya my mud friend! ♥

  3. That was great--a perfect way to end a Sunday! Thanks!!

  4. i love missionaries;
    had them over for dinner just last night!


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