
February 6, 2009

What Were We Thinking????

It seemed like a great idea at the time.....
The Rooster had a dream, he got a job (pumpkins), The Darlings were so excited to work
together toward a mutual goal. They had pictures of the dream (above) posted in
their rooms, they scoured the internet for "a great deal. All good...right?
You would think so. Well, it was found, it was purchased and then there was
the small detail of the "BORDER" and after several attempts, Uncle Penguin
was able to get it home. I'm afraid we will owe him.....FOREVER.....
Anyway....this is where we are now,

THE CHART.....The Darlings are having a hard time taking turns. I know, suprising.
So The Farmer, in all of his wisdom, came up with THE CHART. And it is posted on
the fridge. They check it everyday, sometimes multiple times to see whose turn it
will be that day. The Farmer loves a chart;)
It seems to be working at the moment, unless, out of turn, someone touches the
Rhino, And then we are back to square one!

I rode with The Boy (when it was his turn) to feed the horses. I am always amazed
at how those horses love him, and how much he loves them. He has a little whistle, and
they come. Those horses are alot of work,
but work.....he loves!


  1. Looks like fun!!!!! Good job for accomplishing your goal! Jen

  2. how cool-and so wonderful how they earned it themselves!

    i always dreamed about having horses and living out in the open, having a farm and all that.
    i love how i can live vicariously through you.

  3. Wows- how fun for them! I would have loved to have a Rhino when i was younger. Heck, i'd love one even now!

  4. I call dibs on a ride when I come down this summer!:) Tell Kelly to put my name on the chart (first week in June!:)


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