
September 14, 2009


That was a long, long sigh......
after a long, long weekend.
And here is the weekend in review.
The Farmer and I were expecting guests this past weekend. I love it when guests is motivation to get things done around the house!
We have been doing some landscaping and decided that some large rocks were needed. So we went rock hunting. Hand picked the rocks. And had them delivered. It all sounds to simple doesn't it??;)
It took chains, forklifts, men and more men. And Finally the rocks were in place. And I love them!
Next.....The Boy became the starting quarterback quite suddenly this past weekend. Sure he had practiced a little,
The key word is a LITTLE!
He was great! We were amazed and who knew that The Boy
could throw a ball like that!
(We thought he had been bred for basketball!)
They lost their game....but they did a great job!

Coach S. and The Boy
Tradition is that the teams sings
"The Army of Helaman"
after each or loose. It is a tender thing to watch.
How grateful we are to coaches who understand that they are shaping and forming future missionaries.
The weekend continued with two sessions of Stake Conference....a wonderful visitor who we now call "friend." A prayer and a promise that angels would surround our home and that our children would be protected. A lovely dinner to complete all of the meetings, and at the end of the day....
The Farmer found himself with his favorite.....
our Sunday night tradition,
A big bowl of popcorn!


  1. so which G. A. do you now call friend?

  2. I have the same question as Pedaling! Who? Well, your house looks soooo cute! You are always so good about decorating, designining, and gardening! Everything looks adorable. I love the changes!

  3. Hi Friend!
    No. I am not a stalker. I found your blog through a friend of a friend and wanted to share our line of LDS product with you and would greatly appreciate your help spreading the word to your family & friends.
    Our mission is to help strengthen family life and good values by creating affordable and inspiring products, patterns, kits and gifts...
    Yippee! Our first SEPTEMBER CONTEST is on our blog!
    Thank you! Brenda Birrell 801.836.4906

  4. Congratulation to "The Boy" for being the second quater back from Dublan. (Our baby was the first, I think!) That's great! Gotta see those rocks! Did you get Don Mariano's opinion about that? He is the king of rocks! Also.. a very uplifting Stake Conference! I'm sure that was a very positive aaahhhh ! (with the safe return of our Stake member from his kidnapping ordeal!) All things turned out GREAT!


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