
September 9, 2009


This is where Kitty Meow Meow, sits hoping and waiting for a lovely little
Humming Bird to swoop low enough that he might catch it.
He sits for hours!
This is what he is hoping for.
We are hosting literally hundreds of Humming Birds at our house
these days. We fill our feeders twice daily, and when the little beauties have to wait,
they get upset and have been known to be quite agressive with PreShie,
who keeps them all fed. The Farmer told The Darlings, the other day, he
thought that the Humming Birds were preparing to leave our area, to migrate, and that
they were building up their strength for their journey. The Darlings, almost
in unison said.....AWWWWWWWW.......
and suggested that we add 10-15 more feeders in our yard to help them prepare
to migrate.
I don't think so.
Meet Don Hector. This kind and gentle man arrived at our home yesterday to do
a little art work on the house. When he came, he carefully set up his painters table,
mixed the paint colors until just right and then painted this,
He is a wonderful man. He filled my morning with inspiring thoughts of Christ and
left a peaceful feeling when he left.
A few weeks ago I began the seach for just the right artist to help me with this project.
I contacted a few friends and low and behold, two painters
showed up the same day, that was yesterday. Highly unusal in the land which I live!
I wasn't sure what to do, I didn't want anyone to feel bad and certainly I wanted the
best guy to do the job. So I was in my kitchen discussing this with our Rosa, who helps keep
us all afloat around here. And this is what she said, "My mother-in-law once told me, you should never keep two boyfriends at once....and this is exactly why......They are likely to both show up
at the same time." Just as the two painters did yesterday.
So there is your advice for the day......from Dona Rosa!
p.s. The Farmer took me rock hunting yesterday afternoon, boy was it fun! Seriously!
We are adding some large rocks to our yard, we marked the ones we wanted, and
they should arrive later today!


  1. Hola,
    I was just over at the Blog Around The World Blog when I found your blog and thought I would pay you a visit. By the way you have a really beautiful farm. I live in the state of Michoacan (The Avocado State)located in Mexico. We have an Avocado farm and I am in the process of opening up a shoe store. Hope you will stop by and maybe we can exchange links.

  2. Love the painting. I need to come visit and see your new addition....:)

  3. So, you broke up with your painter then?

  4. I don't have a daily maid, but if I knew a lady with as much good advice as Rosa, I might! She cracks me up! Oh, and I am so enjoying the boy in chorus!

  5. i love the site, the pictures, the "characters." if any of you have not read the book God and Mr Gomez, (as I understand it, it was a newspaper column during the time when a couple was building a house in Ensenada. Later the collection became the book.) Very PG. it is fun for people who find the humor in the contrasts between the "developed world" and "mexico." the book is great. the author went down one week and was told his house would be in one location and then went down the next week and it was to be built on some other spot. When he questioned Mr Gomez, the response was, God wanted your house to be over in this new spot. (paraphrase). if it were a movie, it would be PG. not even PG13.

  6. What sound advice from Doña Rosa!
    Beautiful picture of the hummingbird!


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