
September 4, 2009

An Evening At The Farm

The Rooster had been asking to go to The Farm, to check on his pumpkins....yes...he is growing them again this year....and so after a long hard day at school, The Farmer, The Rooster, PreShie and myself headed out to The Farm.
Oh, was The Rooster happy! He found just what he had been hoping to find.
New varieties were planted this year.
PreShie had a great time too, searching for "ready to pick" squash to fill a bowl at home.
Every one is unique and really beautiful.

The Rooster filled his shirt, thinking that his teachers might like one or two for their desks!
Good thinking Rooster!!!
The Farmer checked the beans.....
And they look great!
We found a few of these.....and now they are sitting on my porch.
It was a lovely evening at The Farm!!
*Thanks to all who made yesterday such a great day for me! Lunch with the women in the family is ALWAYS a great time! Thank you!!!


  1. lunch was lots of fun. i hope you had a happy birthday! how much for those fun looking squash?!

  2. I thought I'd just drop by your blog and I am glad I did. I enjoyed the farm pictures and seeing just what food you grow on the farm. The women who gather the potatoes are beautiful and so colorful. Then there is your family. What handsome sons and beautiful daughter you have. They look like happy kids and I understand why you miss them when they are at school. When you talk farm I see your husband has a big responsibility. I wonder about water. Does he irrigate or count on rain clouds for water? I did not like the snake but laughed at the cartoons. Well I got to go now. I hope you won't
    mind my dropping in to see your blog again. Love (Pedaling Fast's mother)

  3. Those squash look like the might have leprocy! What's with that???


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