
November 3, 2009

Dia De Los Muertos...

We celebrated Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) yesterday. School was out and that is always enjoyed. The day was full of fishing, basketball, sleeping in and lots of snacks! The afternoon brought a trip to the The Boy's accident site, where one of his friends lost her life. He left a bouquet of flowers and
a very tender note. He recounted many details from the accident that he had not talked about in a long time. It made him sad.
It made me cry.
The note said "Te extrano mucho, con amor..." which means
"I miss you, Love you."
He carefully tucked the card on her cross so it would not blow away.

Next, we visited our cemetary....a place we love. The cemetary was full of people
celebrating the lives of family members they had lost. The Farmer's Dad
is still very loved and very missed.
Cousin Trisha reminded me of a little moment I had forgotten around the birth
and passing of our Colton...we shed tears, we miss him very much.
Our sweet Gracie...oh how we all miss her....expecially her sister PreShie;)
All of the extended family was there to celebrate together. It was a wonderful
time! Yummy treats and toasty warm drinks. Uncle Merriner brought doughnuts for everyone....we sure do love "Tio" He is like the "Godfather" of our family, a great man!
These are typical Mexican graves, decorated for Dia De Los Muertos.
On our way home we enjoyed corn from a street vendor.
The Boy wanted his left on the cob. He had just watched Nacho Libre the
night before....;)

The little corn stand that we have been frequenting for many years.
And finally a cup of corn....Mexico style....a perfect end to a lovely afternoon.


  1. Thanks for sharing. It's nice to see how others celebrate the holidays. You have a wonderful family!

  2. That was a very moving post, FW. I think it is so good that The Boy wrote that letter and talked about that incident. As someone who has kids who have survived the death of a loved one, expressing one's feelings is so important. Give him a hug for me, K?

    Also, I have never thought of celebrating Dia de Los Muertos that way. Very respectful and I'll have to suggest we do that next year.

  3. What a touching way to remember those we love.

  4. sad mixed with joy.
    thanks for the little peek into a bit of the personal.

  5. WHAT?! A cup of corn?! You people sound like people I would love to be around! What an exciting life.

    My family and I are getting ready to start traveling to a farm in Brenham so that we can do workshares. Do you offer that on your farm?

    Do you homeschool too? I bet you all are in the best of shape and healthy, healthy, healthy :)

    I didn't know what to think when I saw all of those grave sites, but after reading what you said about the family gathering and the rembering of those gone. I though, "Wow how cool is that."

    Lovely family. I can't wait to hear about more.


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