
November 7, 2009

I Consider Myself A Christian...I REALLY DO!!

(Waring...I am going to do a little venting...)
So, I spent a couple of days in Denver this week. I hadn't been there before so I enjoyed checking the place out. It is a lovely city, it reminded me of Salt Lake City. The Farmer and I were there less than 24 hours, attended to a little business and boarded the plane to return home. It was a full flight and I do mean full!! Not an open seat to be found. So I sat between The Farmer and a nice gentlemen who was from Albuquerque, a place I visit often and love. So after take off, the "kind gentleman" began to ask me a few questions, which I politely answered. You know....about the family and why we live where we do. And then I told him that I really liked Albuquerque and I would be there next week for the BYU vs. UNM football game. At that point everything changed. He smiled and said "BYU???" and I said "YES." And then he became very quiet. He then pulled out a little book, like the one above, and began to read prayers, which he was very obviously repeating outloud and then he started to cross himself and did that about 5 times. By this time we landed in Albuquerque and he very quickly exited the plane.
I got the feeling that this was all directed to me. You know...because I am a Mormon. The Farmer even leaned over to me in the middle of the event and said "what is going on over there??" I guess for the "kind gentleman", sitting next to a Mormon was about all he could take. And then I began to ask myself how this man developed the feelings that he had toward me, and how I choose to believe?? Does he have a pastor who speaks against my religion? What exactly is he afraid of?
I do not fault anyone who does not believe like I do...and all I hope is that others will offer me the same. I respect those who, whatever their belief may be, really committ themselves to living their beliefs. Who serve those around them, who support their community, who are great neighbors. I have many friends of other faiths and I love them, and I know that they love me too. But shame on you "Mr. Kind Gentleman" for trying so hard to protect yourself from another Christian, that you behaved in the most un-christian like conduct that I have witnessed in a LONG, LONG time! And shame on any leader of any "Christian" congregation who teaches contempt for anyone who believes other than they do. And P.S. "Mr. Kind Gentleman" if you would take a little moment to check things might just find that I believe in Christ and love his teachings......


  1. a nice, clean cut lady...
    and he has a problem with that.

    so odd- the outloud praying..oddly directed toward you and your beliefs.
    all very freaky....

  2. i can't believe that so impolite and in this day and age! but there are some churches that do preach against mormons. in high school a friend of mine invited me to church so after several invitations i finally politely went with him and the whole serman was about how evil mormons were. i was so appalled... like that would make me want to leave my church and go be more "christian" like they were! i am glad our religion respects others beliefs

  3. something similar to that happened to me on a plane to seattle once! very awkward.

  4. Hard to believe an adult who seemed "nice" could act so radically against someone of another faith--always amazes me!

  5. You know what, FW, I have been running across this kind of thing almost daily as I try to share the gospel through the internet. No matter what I say, some people just absolutely REFUSE to believe that I believe in Jesus, or the same Jesus they do. I don't understand it! And there's no convincing them! I'm sorry you had to go through that. At least you know where the truth lies!


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