
February 24, 2010

FHE and the WWF

On Monday morning...usually after The Darlings have boarded the bus....
I begin planning our FHE (Family Home Evening), I have dreams of The Darlings singing
"This Is The Night We've Waited For..."
(does anyone remember that Primary song????)
I imagine how they will bounce into the house after a long day at school and ask...
"what time is FHE....we don't want to be late!"

I then think...."tonight will be the night that we will discuss gospel principles...and The Darlings will ask deep and meaningful questions to which The Farmer will provide the answers."
And then I feel fulfilled that we are doing what we have been asked to do.
Yesterday, I planned the perfect lesson....Lehi's Dream....and I even had
the visual aids laminated....and colored.....after all, The Darling deserve that, right???
A fire was roaring the the fireplace...
The treat was prepared...chocolate pudding with real whipped cream....
The Farmer called The Darling to the Family room...where we gathered to sing....
"Scatter Sunshine" the song Grandpa Charles had asked to memorize this year as a family. We thought it would be fun to call Grandpa and Grandma so that they could hear how well we could sing the was all going so well.....

The Boy said..."how long is going to take??"
PreShie said....."can I have my pudding now???"
Rooster just started giggling.
And so I gave the evil eye to all of them, after all we were on the phone with the Grandparents...
and we needed to show them how awesome our FHE's are.

Then we began to sing.....

The Boy thought that opera style would be the best,
PreShie started laughing at him, and The Rooster just sang as loud as he could....and not on tune at all. By this time The Farmer is questioning the whole FHE event and suggests that we pray and end it all. But I said "NO! We are going to have FHE and we are going to ENJOY IT!"
How the next events broke completely a blur....

The Boy stood on the hearth of the fireplace and took the Karate Kid you remember what it looked a crane preparing to fly.....


so that meant that WWF was about to being.....and did it ever.
The Boy dug deep and found some of his old Tae Kwon Do moves....PreShie screamed, and slid across the wood floors, and The Rooster was jumping from couch to couch, laughing.
All the while....I sat at the piano playing

"Scatter Sunshine"

The Farmer just sat...with his hands over his face...shaking his head....

It was a pretty impressive FHE.

We are seriously considering taking it on the road.....

The FHE WWF Tour.

And so after a group hug....we prayed....and again I could hear the song....
This is the night we've waited for...
Always a treat we have in store...
We love each other more and more, With every family night!
Stories and games for everyone...
Learning the gospel can be fun...
Father and Mother, daughter, son...
Together on Family Night!!

And a great side note.....

the lesson is already prepared for next week!.....Lehi's Dream!


  1. so you are real....

    too funny!

    yeah, take it on the road - i'm sure the grandparents were impressed- impressed with "pay back time"

  2. Just make it simple like we do. Watch a conference talk, discuss it and you're done. Then you won't be dissapointed when it's a fiasco cause it didn't require and preparation! What a fun time you must have had. At least you didn't let it "get to you" and enjoyed the moment. That's what is's all about!

  3. Could you PLEASE start your FHE Tour at OUR HOUSE!!! We could use some good uplifting entertainment! The old fooggies are extremely boring! Enjoy those lively young 'ens because before you blink they will all be gone and then you'll be in MY BOAT!! Not always the " funnest " place to be but nice none the less!


Tell Me Something Good