
February 22, 2010

She Said I Would Miss Them....

When The Darlings were little, they were a bit of a handful.

Some of you who may be reading this.....who may be close to me...may consider this an understatement. Those Darlings came with an extreem amount of energy, and

some great creativity to go along with the energy(the got it from The Farmer). There were not too many

dull moments in our lives when they were small. Actually there aren't too many dull moments in our lives right now either.... on one of those extra active days, I called Grandma Vicki, (who raised

7 active kids), and found myself feeling like The Darlings toddler-hood may never end...and I felt a bit overwhelmed...and this is what Grandma all of her wisdom said....

"You are going to miss those babies one day. You are going to miss your babies and toddlers." And at that moment it didn't seem possible...


I do miss my babies!

I can't even say it outloud....because I go into the "Ugly Cry!"


A few weeks ago we had the Young Women Evening of Excellence. Each of the parents were asked to share something about their daughters that they loved. One of our cousins stood and said that she often finds herself staring at her teenage daughter. When the daughter asked her why she starred, she said "I am trying to memorize you as you are today. I don't want to forget how your hair falls over your shoulders, I don't want to forget your you are right now. I am trying to burn this moment...right now in my memory."

That is how I feel! I want to memorize everything about The Darlings as they are now.... but I really miss my babies too! Thank goodness for photographs that capture moments and that captures them.


Last night The Farmer and I were discussing the events of the day. And then he said, "The Boy is going to the Jr. Prom this year.....I have a son that is a Junior, how did that happen?" We have some very special moments ahead of us in the next couple of years with The Boy...the one that we prayed so hard for.....he is preparing for some big events. Are we ready for those events...


But I guess we don't really have a choice. The Darlings came fast.....and now they are growing too fast. So everyday I pray that who they are now will be burned into my memory and that I won't forget. That I will remember everything about them. Not only do I love them as their Mother....I love the people that they are. They are so much fun and such a joy to me.

To My Darlings....

Please don't leave so fast....take your time. Don't rush, there is no hurry. And when you decide that it is time to go....don't go too far. And...ALWAYS....come home.



"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him."

1 Samuel 1:27


  1. Beautiful babies! I am trying to remember mine now, even when it's tough.

  2. Isn't it the truth!

    OK, I recognize (well) all of those pictures EXCEPT the one with Kelly in a gotee. How did I miss him having one of those?!!!!!!

  3. gotee's are sexy!

    love this post....sometimes when i look at my kids- a flash of them at around age 10 comes to my mind....
    it's sad....

  4. what darling kids... they grow up way to fast..thanks for the reminder

  5. i already miss "these days". Ive got one 17, 2 are 15 and one 8 and i know its right around the corner. Thanks for the sweet reminder!! xoxo LA

  6. Now you're making me go into the ugly cry. This post made me feel way too sentimental. Oh the memories of Jordy and Victoria.

  7. That just about says it all. The tears are streaming down my face.
    I'm winding down with my kids or up as you chose to look at it cause then they start multiplying.
    Thank goodness for pictures to remind us. That was a beautiful message. Thanks for reminding all of us.

  8. What a beautiful post. My youngest boy turned 16 this week, and I've been feeling a little nostalgic myself. I heard a cute quote last night on "Home Improvement". The boy asked his Dad how would he know when he's a man, and the Dad said, "When your Mother and I tell you you are!" I loved that!


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