
February 11, 2010

Love & Cupcakes

You can really feel the love around here!
We started the "heart attack" a couple of weeks ago, for FHE,
It is so fun to see what The Darlings see in each other, and depending upon the day
they have to dig deep to share a little love with each other. Sometimes it takes some
serious thought and a little time, to come up with the right compliment.
Here are a few highlights......
"The Boy jumps high"
"PreShie has nice hair"
"Rooster is funny"
"The Farmer is prayerful"
They are really fun to read, and I have caught each of The Darlings....
looking for their names on the pretty hearts.
I makes them feel good to see the fun things written by their family members.
They think it's not cool to "care".....
but they do.

The spirit of St. Valentines day has stuck our home!
We celebrated with cupcakes today....It was the best!!
How can you not love a cupcake????
A group of friends stopped by for a little cupcake decorating,
some laughs.... sugar overload....
and everyone went home with some yummy.....beautifully decorated
Valentine treats for their families
Oh....I do love Valentine's Day....
on to the 50 sugar cookies that need to be decorated for school tomorrow....

My creation


  1. Your blog makes me miss Home!!! Sweet Family Ihope all is good with you all LOL Kara

  2. Wow--those are some creative cupcakes!

  3. What a cute idea for your kids to do for each other!!! I'm going to copy you. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Valentine's Day, I think as much as I love Christmas or even more. I'm obsessed about it and need to stop decorating. I loved this post!!!

  4. thanks for having us shelly! it was really fun. i sure enjoyed my plate of cupcakes in fact i think those are mine on the bottom right. yummmmmm!

  5. Write this on a heart and stick it with the rest of the compliments...."Shelley is fun, ambitious, has great hair, beautiful skin, and is one of Jan Turley's "all time" favorite people!"
    Happy Valentine's Day! Love ya.

  6. Jan....I love you!!!
    You are my favorite!!!

  7. The Heart Attack and the cupcakes look so fun and delicious! Your kids are the cutest!

  8. Can I be a part of YOUR family??? It looks way fun to celebrate Valentines at your house! Things were pretty dull around here with "Big Bear" and Lita!! Enjoy the kids while you still have them around! They'll be gone before you know!

  9. are part of my family;)
    You are right...the time is passing toooo fast!


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