
February 15, 2010

Some Call Him......

some call him....
some call him....
and now we call him....
The Bishop
Sunday brought change for our community.
"Those" Sunday's are always full of emotions....
The best part for me was sitting in front of the new Bishop's twin daughters, as they found out
about the new assignment that their family would take on. They really did find out at
church! It was great! First they didn't say too much, then I could hear them talk about
all of the many things that their Dad would now be responsible for. It was very cute to listen to them work through the suprise they had just gotten.
Our out going Bishop shared his thoughts, through tears.....
but he smiled too;) He knows what is ahead for the new Bishop.
The new Bishop shared a very sweet moment with me, that involved The Rooster....
and his infectious touched my heart.
I think that kids "get it" more often than we give them credit.
We will always be indebted to the new Bishop for arriving at the accident scene, where
The Boy nearly lost his life.....and caring for him when we could not.
The Boy, was in shock, and wouldn't let anyone near him....but when the new Bishop arrived,
a man he has called Uncle all of his life.....The Boy let him help.
The new Bishop has been PreShie's basketball coach this year....
we have appreciated how he has coached....taught.....encouraged with great love.
He taught her what she was capable of.
He will be a blessing to our community family.
*Did I mention that he has the greatest wife ever!!? She too has been a very dear
friend for many yeart. Love her!
The Darlings each wrote a little note to the new Bishop....combined with a big chocolate chip cookie ......offering their love and support. It was the perfect Family Home Evening.
p.s. in case Grandpa Charles is reading this....we did sing Scatter Sunshine....
all 3 verses! We are getting to know it well!
*A very special thank you, to our out going Bishop for his years of service for
our community family. Thanks also, to his wonderful wife...who also served us all so well!
We (heart) you!

1 comment:

  1. I heard the great news! What a cute FHE idea. I love all your kitchen gadgets.


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