
March 9, 2010

More on ...."Prom Week".....

It was a fun....busy and eventful "Prom Week" for The Boy!
It began on Sunday night, when the word spread that school had been cancelled for two days because the school had no electricity.....hummmm.....
Monday morning brought an overnight trip to the Ranch,
Tuesday...a trip to El Paso....some dinner...a movie....
Wednesday....a trip to the airport to pick up Lexie...
(The Boy's date for the prom)
Wednesday Basketball games.....(and a win) for the dance....
Thursday evening....yummy tacos!
Friday....more decorating.....horseback styling.....fancy dinner....wonderful friends...
beautiful dresses....handsome young men.....a very well done floor show....lots of laughs....
dancing with The Farmer......and The Boy.....watching beautiful PreShie, having a great time....
The theme of the evening....
"A Night At The Oscars"
It was a fantastic night!!!
Saturday.....more Basketball games....another trip to the ranch on the 4-wheelers......
a house full of great friends.....a trip to the temple for baptisms.....
Sunday...another trip to El Paso, to return Lexie to the airport.....
and a BIG LONG NAP!!!!


PreShie looked beautiful!
She and Cousin N. went together....had a lovely dinner at a nearby restuarant....

My creation

The Boy wore white Van's with his tux.... vans with her dress.....
Dane....the best boots ever!
Morganne....very pretty Converse.....

My creation
The Jr. Prom is a community event here......all of the parents of the Juniors were there to watch
the kids do their floor was darling! They did a great job.

My creation
The week was wonderful!


  1. that does sound like a wonderful week.
    your daughter looks beautiful!
    what a week!

  2. wow craziness! and preshie is GORGEOUS!!!!!

  3. I've been waiting for this post.
    It was a fun evening even if lots of adults were in attendance. My son in laws tell me that parents don't go to prom in the USA. They are missing out, wouldn't you say!

  4. I was waiting for this post shelley! I was asking Victoria when her mom would post prom pictures. Looks like a great night! Thanks.


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