
March 11, 2010

The Morning Walk....

My creation

This is how I start my day....everyday.
It has been happening for many, many years.
The Morning Walk has become a bit of a ritual for me. It keeps me sane.
I began The Morning Walk, when I moved here several years ago. I walked before I had children, while I was pregnant, and after each one was born. Many mornings I bundled a baby for The Morning Walk. When The Darlings were small, The Farmer thought I should have a jogging stroller, so the walk would be a little easier. So for a few years, that stroller was part of The Morning Walk.
We have laughed, we have cried, we have shared our deepest worries and our greatest joys, on The Morning Walk.
Although this all began in the name of exercise, it has done so much more for me through the years. A brisk walk in the fresh morning air is the perfect start to the day. Somehow things are more manageable after The Morning Walk.
A permanant fixture on this walk has always been our dogs. Our family (extended) loves dogs.
Our dogs....LOVE.....The Morning Walk too.
I can hear them, about the time the sun comes up, anxious to get out on the walk.
Yesterday, as we began The Walk, The Farmer's Mother shared the events of the night before,
when her beloved Lucy dog, passed away. She has had that dog since The Farmer's Father died 15 years ago. This wennine dog has been a member of this family for a long time.
A funeral was held, the grandkids attended, they all paid tribute to this dog, (who
had bitten all of them atleast once), who had been a loyal companion to The Farmer's Mother during some hard times. She said, to her it was the end of an era.
I remember hearing cousin Cathy talk about her years of walking, the miles that were covered and the friendships that were made on those walks. We often run into other cousins while we walk. We miss them when they are right now;)
For me, what started as a form of physical exercise has ended up as exercise for my soul.
Dear Walking Partners....
Thank you for lending an ear,
sheding and occasional tear,
offering words of encouragement,
thanks for making me walk a little faster....
and thanks for just getting up!
I do love you both!

Also discovered on the morning walk, were the new peach blossoms of this season.
They were beautiful!
(I thought I should add the names of the will be fun to remember....)
My dogs....White German Shepherds...
Boss(the Dad)
Bolt and Bridget
Grandma C.'s dogs - Weinnie Dogs....
Lulu and Mimi
Aunt S.'s dogs - Golden Retiever and a Weinnie..
Bently and Fisher...
Peneolpe....a.k.a. Penny


  1. My morning walks in Dublan are very dear to my heart too! Oh how I miss them.

  2. Oh stop, stop, stop... you keep making me homesick for home and all my loved ones!!! :-)

  3. i love this post, made me homesick too. my favorite part of my morning walk was how excited my dogs were:(

  4. i didn't know about lucy. i'm sorry for all the max jones'. when i went out for my walk this morning i thought that i would take a picture of the blossoms too. you might see them on my blog soon. they are sooo beautiful.

  5. AMEN!! I have learned to absolutely LOVE every person that has ever joined me on my "Morning Walk" ritual! Those people are my very dearest friends! (and pretty cheap therapists!! ha ha!) I feel bad for those who "sleep in!" (BIG BEAR!) They miss the very best time of the day!

  6. I can vouch for this....I've encountered this group on rare early mornings when going to Dublan. I have my own little support group to walk with. Hope we "aguantar" the windy mornings.

  7. You're so lucky you have those two wonderful women to walk with. I'll bet you guys have awesome conversations. I say walking with good friends is much cheaper than therapy!

  8. look at those dogs!
    it's true, walking is so helpful in many ways- and i think that mental help happens most of all.
    i walk with my next door neighbor, and how close we do get to our walking partners. so many benefits!

  9. what a beautiful way to start every single day! I am so jealous!


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