
December 9, 2010

A Farmer Has Dreams Too....

And this is what they look like......
The planets aligned for The Farmer this past weekend.
While traveling to watch The Boy play a little basketball...we happened to drive through a little
town and there just happened to be large lot filled with many interesting and unusual
items...but mostly it was filled with farm equipment.
Oh....The Farmer immediately got a little twinkle in his eye....lets say a pretty big twinkle...
And sighed/spoke the words....Auction.....
Just so you can really understand how elated he was....think back to the time
you tasted something really, really, I mean really yummy....and you, for just a moment were
a bit overcome....and your eyes may have rolled to the back of your head...just for a moment...
It was just like that for The Farmer when he realized that the auction was going to be
that very weekend....and by dang he was going to be there!


If you have ever been to a farm acution....and yes...I have been to know that all of
the equipment to be sold is lined up in rows so that the people attening can see ahead of time
what is for sale and begin making their wish lists of the things that they will bid on.
So....we VERY SLOWLY drove up and down the aisles....looking at each item that would be sold.
And I would hear things like this....
The Farmer: "Oh wow...I could really use one of those...."
The Wife: "What for???"
The Farmer: "Oh I don't know....but look how cool it is...."
The Farmer: " you see anything you would like....(and he was serious...)"
The Wife: "Uhhhhmmm....NO..."
The Farmer: "Wow...there is lots of great stuff here!"
And we continued to drive...up and down each aisle....oh was that Farmer excited!


He registered to participate in the auction, and we went on our way to the next little town
where The Boy would be playing ball. All along the way...The Farmer was hoping and dreaming and calculating and thinking....and calling friends and family that...he felt....would really
want to know about this fantastic event. And he began making his list......his wish list.
Oh how The Farmer loves a good auction.
It really was all he could think about for most of the weekend....unless The Boy was on
the basketball court...and then momentarily his focus would shift.

Early Saturday morning....and it was early....we left The Boy...and headed to the auction.
The closer we got...the heavier the traffic got and The Farmer began to get nervous.
And to top it off...he was 19 minutes late. I mean.... alot can happen in 19 minutes,
what if he had missed something really great????
We finally arrived...truck and trailers lined both sides of the highway...there were ALOT, of
other "Farmers" there too. The all had their wish lists...and they were all giddy,
just like The Farmer.... a giddy that's a sight!
The Farmer jumped from the car to assume his place with the other "Farmer's" and
I headed for the local Walmart...which is all the shopping that the town had to offer.
Yes....I circled that Walmart around 72 times...
handled nearly every item in the store....drank and refreshing beverage....
and when I couldn't take it a moment longer...I called The Farmer...
In the backgound I could hear the voice of the Auctioneer....calling each item...
and I said..."Can we please go now???"
The Farmer: "Now??? really?? it is just getting good!"
The Wife: "well, I am done...I am ready to me when you are ready."
The Farmer: " won't be too much longer."

I knew better than to believe him...but I did....
My Mistake.
Several hours later...he still had not called...and that is when I said....
"I want to go home" and he said....."there is just one more thing, and I really NEED it."
"Come on over will have alot of fun."
Did he seriously say that I would have fun there??? Yes he did.
But since I had been to every store in that little town...washed my car...had a little lunch....
prepared some Christmas cards to mail....talked on the phone....had another
refreshing beverage....what was left to do but go to the auction.
I arrived just in time to see The Farmer win the item that he had been waiting for all day long....

Isn't she a beauty???
He is the proud owner of this lovely tank...among several other items...that he
He left happy. He left fulfilled. And we went home.
Sunday morning, at church, The Farmer's brother....
Uncle Penguin...wanted to hear all about that auction,
what was know.....all the regular questions that follow an auction.
He seemed pretty excited about a few of the items that The Farmer purchased.
Okay...I'll confess.....
it was pretty fun to walk around the auction and take some pictures....
I did really enjoy that!!


  1. Fascinating post. Great idea for a reality TV show. It would be at least as interest as the pawn show you like.

  2. Ben...I totally agree! Let's start on that idea so we can quit "working" hehe!

  3. Ben...I totally agree! Let's start on that idea so we can quit "working" hehe!

  4. Could he be related to his father?

  5. He gets his love of a good auction from his dad! I remember Uncle Max being all hiped up about Auctions! You were a good sport, Farmer's wife!

  6. Oh wow that sounds exciting! I guess I have to realize that a farm auction is as exciting for him as a jewlery auction would be for me. Or even better, a Miss USA auction!

  7. I wonder if our woman dreams look to them as their man dreams look to us?


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