
December 7, 2010

Life.....and....Silver City...

I hear the song..."On The Road Again"....playing in my head over and over.
It seems to be where I spend the majority of my life lately. It is all for great causes,
things I would never think of missing...but darn...that we have to drive so
far to do what we need to do!
Thanksgiving found us in Mesa with the family. It was so great to be there...all of us together.
Auntie came from was so great to see her and spend some time together.
"The Brothers" are all in Mesa....and that always makes for alot of laughs, eating way too much,
and some great conversation! I think they are all some pretty amazing people!
Although quite cold....Mesa was a much needed break in our lives.
It was so nice to just be together in one place.
Just a few days after returing home, we hit the road again for a basketball tournament
in Silver City, NM. We like Siver City!

The Boy, who is sporting number 45, this playing with a great group of young men.
They had the opportunity to play in a tournament in a small town called Cliff (28 miles from Silver City).
They played very well, they showed great sportsmanship, and the people in that small
town were such nice people. It was a fun trip.


These boys learned...very well...what "fast break" means...

*I got a new lens....I am still learning to work with it....
I swear I am going to master the indoor "sports" shot!
But it is making me a little crazy at the moment.


Here are a few little tidbits that I learned while in Silver City....
*It is not a good sign when you open your hotel room door and find an exterminator...
*It is not a good thing when The Farmer has to kick the heater, in the hotel
three times to get it to come on...
*No matter what Dairy Queen you go to....anywhere in the will wait for
your vanilla cone...for a very long time!
*live music....homemade pesto....freshly baked bread, all combined make a wonderful evening.
*Duck Fat Fries....taste just like....French Fries.
(even though they are promoted to be something VERY special....I have to say I
felt very special while I was eating them)

*A Digerido.... makes a very intersting noise....and it costs around $2 bucks to hear the noise;)
And if you pay $5 will get a compelte explaination of how it was made by this gentleman, and how he carved it from an Agave plant.
He was a happy man!

*I just really liked this is very old.
Below the sign there really was a "Buffalo Bar" we didn't go inside...but there were some
interesting folks outside....
It is a darling city.....fantastic food was everywhere,
great galleries full of unique art, and fun shops to explore, it was a fun few days!

1 comment:

  1. You were in Mesa and you didn't tell me! I'm sad. ;) Next time, better. I just love all your pics so much. You are so talented!


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