
February 14, 2011

Another Door Closes...And Saying Goodbye

We spent the weekend at the last tournament of The Boy's high school basketball career.
The Farmer said something like...."An era has ended for The Boy.."
He had great games....he made some great friends in the boys that we hosted for
3 days from Chihuahua, he really seemed to soak it all up!

One of the games was a very intense game...which the Lobos ended up winning,
the tournament was just some good fun!


Yes...this guy really was that twice the size of The Boy...
and The Boy isn't small....
I noticed early on in the game.. that The Boy was sweating more than usual and his face
was bright red. He worked pretty hard managing this huge guy.

Their final game was coached by Bro. Cluff, who is the director of the Academia Juarez.
I noticed that the team had a few new moves that really worked for them,
thanks to Bro. Cluff's years of experience.


These two have spent nearly their whole lives together...and they will take the next
step...missions...together too. We love Andre like he is our own boy.
The Lobos placed second in the tournament, only loosing to a university team who
also had players that play on the local semi-pro team. The Lobos put up a great fight,
and had a great game, but lost in the end.
It was a fun tournament...sad to know that another door has closed...but great things
are in the future of The Boy!

About a month ago all of the missionaries in our mission were changed. There was a big
shake up. Our area ended up with two new missionaries...they had not been in our area before.
Elder Hill (on left) was just a month from going home,
and Elder Archibald had only been in the mission
for 2 days when they arrived. It was my turn to feed the missionaries....they had just
arrived in our area, did not know anyone or anything, we were thrilled to meet them and get
to know them. I knew immediately after meeting these Elders, that one of the reasons they
were sent to our area was for The Boy. He and Elder Hill hit it off right away, and became very
dear friends very quickly. With a mission close in his future, The Boy has been feeling a
little overwhelmed. Elder Hill was just what he needed. Elder Hill was a great friend,
he answered questions that The Boy had about missions, and he offered lots of encouragement.
He was a blessing to our area and to our family this past month.


We hosted Elder Hill for his last meal in the mission, Sunday afternoon.
The Boy offered him a new...fresh...white shirt to go home in...and had already given
him a new tie so he would "look sharp for the family." He left us with a wonderful message
from the scriptures and words of encouragement for The Boy.


When it was time for Elder Hill to go, we walked him outside and he and The Boy
hugged a BIG, hug, and then The Boy said..."I have got to get out of here...this is really sad."
The two made plans to get together this summer in Utah, and then said good-bye.
Elder Hill was a great example for The Boy....just when he needed it most!


  1. I had an Elder Hill, also from Utah, as a companion in my mission. Wonder if they're related.

    Glad to be able to tune into the life and times of Jordan...even if it's only through your blog and Facebook. Wish we lived closer and were able to participate more in your kids lives.

    I am grateful for the type of kids you've raised. Our kids really look up to them, but I am most thankful for the example Jordan is setting for Wyatt and the other Skinner boys.

    Love you,

  2. I hope I fall in love with the missionaries as quickly as Jordan did!

  3. Your son is so handsome, tell me is Juarez your temple?


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