
February 15, 2011


(The Rooster's Valentine cookies for his teachers)
Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays!
Actually I pretty much love all holidays....but Valentine's Day is extra special!
Our celebrations began last week when when Grandpa. S. arrived for a visit with Valentine gifts for everyone. The Darlings have been trained well, because from the moment he arrived...
they noticed the bright colored bags;) and turned into 3 year olds again while enjoying their "sweet" treats. We sure do appreciate the thoughtfulness of great grandparents!
When The Darlings were little people, they would spend great amounts of time working on their Valentine Boxes...that they would take to school and bring them home again loaded with kind notes and treats. I have to be honest...I really do miss those darling boxes. Instead of the Valentine boxes...they now spend hours writing heart felt Lobo Grams to each of their cousins and friends. The each returned home yesterday with hand fulls of thoughtful notes from
dear friends. I really enjoyed reading through the notes...PreShie arrived with a pretty bunch of flowers...which were mostly from secret valentines;) And The Rooster announced that his teachers will all trying to kill him with all of the sweet treats and other tasty junk food, that was
served throughout the day. I thought that was pretty funny coming from the king of everything sweet! After delivering more sweet treats to family last night, we sat down together for a yummy Valentine's dinner. I love a family dinner....when everyone is sitting together;)

We enjoyed our "Heart Attack" tradition.
I love to see what of The Darlings write about each other, sometimes it gets pretty creative.
I was suprised, at work, with a beautiful bouquet from The made
my office a much more plesant place to be yesterday;)
I like it when he does things like that;)
It was a fun filled....Love filled day!

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