
February 17, 2011

A Little Morning Corn....


Several days ago, The Boy and The Farmer headed to Chihuahua City. It is located about
3 hours from us...The Farmer needed to do some business and The Boy was his driver.
Once they arrived in the city, they quickly realized that the city had been basically
shut down because of the extreem cold, and many, many broken pipes, so they were
not able to take care of the business they went for, until much later in the day.

To pass a little time, the sat on a park bench, in the city center, and had a cup of corn....
(the breakfast of champions...) The Farmer felt sorry for the poor birds, on that very cold
morning that looked like they needed a little corn too. He tossed a few kernels, and the next
thing he knew....they had called all of their friends.....and a whole flock of birds arrived
for some tasty morning corn.

The Boy looks thrilled....don't you think?
The Boy told me that such a large group of birds had gathered...that also a very large
group of people gathered to watch The Farmer....The Boy....and The Birds....
When The Boy was a "Little Boy" some of the local men would contract him to shoot the
birds that would set up house in the barns and warehouses that some of the local men
owned. It actually turned out to be quite a business for him. The going rate was $5 pesos per
bird. Now, shooting a gun for $$ was a dream come true for The Boy...and he loved it.
So, I am sure, as the birds were crawling all over The the park....he was calculating
how much money he could actually make, if there was a need....;)
He's always calculating.....that Boy.

The most impressive thing about this whole that The Farmer...
didn't miss a call on his cel. phone!



  1. That is hillarious! Love the picture of the Farmer with the bird on his head. I don't think he even noticed.

  2. That is so hilarious! Sitting there talking on his cell phone with this bird on his head! Priceless! Who took the pictures? I'm guessing you came along too...
    LOVE your stories. So where are you in Mexico...three hours away. Brady is in Haulcaltzingo - 2 hours away from Puebla, but I don't know which direction since this little farming town is not even on the map! He's been homesick but doing better.

  3. Wow!! That is absolutely crazy! I've never seen anything like that before. Love the pic of the bird on top of the Farmer's head!

  4. ooo- I would have ran away.

    btw i answered your blurb question on my site. email me with any more questions.

  5. That is incredible--I don't think I could have sat there!

  6. I was searching for an article my sister-in-law wrote and found your blog on google.

    Hope you don't mind me stopping by -
    Please stop by to see ours - - we're from utah and your missionary pics caught my eye. Neat blog!

    - Lisa

  7. Thanks for the great laugh..That is awesome. I love all the pics and the expressions on their faces is priceless.


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