
March 16, 2011

I {Heart} Pancho Villa....

Not something you hear to often....right??
It's not actually Pancho Villa I's The Cabalgata that I love.
It happens each year, very large groups of people on horseback ride in commeration of
the Revolution. It is really a site to see.
It begins around the city of Chihuahua and ends in Columbus, NM.
Remember...Pancho Villa invaded the town of Columbus, NM, but now they not only
have a state park named for him....they host a huge party each year in honor of him....
go figure! We found the group riding along the highway...."Pancho Villa" dressed in
uniform, with the Mexican flag being carried with them.

The Farmer and I were headed to EP when we came upon the group. We stopped to take
pictures of the riders. They enjoyed the photo shoot;)
Pancho Villa's history in our area isn't too great. He and his men provided alot of
terror and distruction for many people, some of those people were my relatives...who were driven from their homes. But now he seems to have become a hero of sorts.
I guess it is good that we can forgive and forget...right?
This particular "Pancho Villa" was happy to offer hugs and handshakes all while saying...
in very broken English..."We are and me..."


I must looked like fun to ride along with friends....
Dust and all!

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