
March 20, 2011

Is Your Lamp Full???....And Books...

This is our temple. It is always such a wonderful experience to be there.
It is very close to our home and a great blessing to our area.
Saturday morning a special event took place, all of the women in our community were invited
to be at the temple. For those who could not enter, great activities were organized.
For those who could attend the temple, they went prepared to do whatever was needed.
The idea was to fill the temple with women.
One local leader asked if he could borrow one of the busses we use to pick up our
employees, to transport the women of his congregation to the temple activity. I should
have that moment....that the temple would be full! I mean a bus?
57 women ended up on that bus. We headed to the activity, with plenty of time to spare.
And when we arrived....many women were standing in the entrance of the temple,
because it was FULL! There was literally no room for another person to fit.
That has never happened! As I looked into the faces of the beautiful women who wanted to
participate at the temple that morning....I was so touched,
we really have some fantastic women in our area.


Very quickly my mind turned to the story of the 10 Virgins, and I momentarily felt what they
felt...the 5 that were turned away. The desire to participate...the sadness of not being able to enter. It was not that I was unprepared....I was. We arrived
on time....prepared to enter....ready for a great experience.
But I guess we could have been "more" prepared. It was still a
wonderful see the temple full. Anyway, it was alot to think about,
if fact I am still thinking about. It has given me the opportunity to look at my
life and address my own personal preparedness. Is my lamp full? Even though the
temple experience was not what I had planned on being when I left my home Saturday turned out to be a great experience...and one that I needed.
Now.....on another note.....

I recieved my second blog book in the mail this past week. I LOVE IT!!!
I chose to use a different company this go around, Blurb is the company. The quality of the book
is fantastic! It did require some time...structuring the layouts of each blog entry..but it
was oh so worth it! It was a great reminder of what a wonderful year 2010 was. We
had alot of fun.....and made some great memories.

These books will be treasures down the road a few years....
actually...they are treasures NOW! One of The Boy's friends was at our home one
evening this past week. He picked up the blog book and spent a long time looking at each
page, reading each entry. When he was done he very tenderly and sincerely said,
"I think there are books just like this in Heaven."
How sweet was that??!!! It is a little piece of Heaven for us.

So did you do anything special for the Saturday night passing of the Moon?
We had talked and talked about this event. The Moon passed closer to the earth than it
has done for 20 years. Also, it was supposed to brighter than it had been in the past 20 years.
It was bright...I did notice that. But I didn't really notice anything else.
Some of us stayed home.....some of us went rabbit hunting, and were nearly caught by
the soldiers and police...but were able to work themselves out of a scary situation....(The Boy)...
some of us had a little movie night with a few cousins.....
and some of us.....


Danced....and played....and laughed...and a little party
in honor of the big event! Some people will find any reason at all for a party!!
(I really like that about her!)

Are you following this guy????
He is running from coast to coast....41 miles a day, to bring awareness to childhood obesity.
I am completely stunned by his ability to do this and his resolve. I just got his book,
pictured above....and I can tell I am going to love it!

I just finished this book...(above)....and I really enjoyed it!
It is very well written...with alot of humor. Even though I don't completely embrace her
methods...I do appreciate a Mother who has expectations for her children. I personally feel that
parents are afraid to expect much of anything from their kids these days....because it could
cause them some discomfort. Or because they just don't want to. It was refreshing to see someone who wants to see accomplishment in her children. There has been much debate over
this book....but I did enjoy it!


The Rooster and I are currently reading this book together. He will give everything else read this book each night. He climbs in bed...and I read
as he is falling asleep. We have also taken this book on for our book club. I think
everyone will really enjoy it...I am loving it so far. I am especially loving my evening "reads"
with The Rooster!


  1. We did go out and look at the moon and stars for a few minutes. The thought that came to me was that I might not see much of that where I'm going. I remember how thrilled my mother in law always was when she came home for little visits from South America to see the stars and moon "where they were supposed to be." I wish bloggig had been around when my children "were around." What a treasure those books are and will be for eternity. You are keeping a great history for your posterity. Keep it up.

  2. most beautiful temple shot, ever!

    I'd like to read the tiger mom book.

    those others i had not heard of, but sound interesting.

    blurb is frustrating, but for quality, the only way to go. yours look magnificent.


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