
August 4, 2011

It's All Over....And Why Are All The Flies In Mexico????

( can be sure I will be blogging about this a little later!)
We are home....our Summer adventure in Utah is done.
It was GREAT!  We couldn't have asked for anything more.  We saw lots of family....
spent time with great friends....made new friends....arranged a few marriages (The Darlings, of course), ate way too much....saw beautiful sights....laughed harder than I have laughed in a long long time.....shopped for our missionary.....hung out with Auntie...and much much more.
I had hoped to blog my way through our Summer fun, but almost a soon as we arrived in Utah...
my computer went on strike.  It went to the shop...they lost a ton of my pictures....said they repaired it,
and I brough it home.  I fired it up...and it almost immediately died....ugh!  Back to the shop it went...
a new hard drive was the meantime....I found another computer....brought it home....The Farmer scowled at me....and I said..."I MUST have this computer so I can blog!"....The Darlings
all agreed....The Farmer said "fine" and we all moved on.  He is such a great sport!
Our trip home was a little always is....The Farmer finds great deals in Utah on items that he really needs here in Mexico...and so we end up hauling alot of stuff home.  This year...among other things....he purchased a bunch of used drinking fountains for the chili plant.  Super idea...but the Border Agents, just couldn't wrap their minds around the drinking fountains....they gave us alot of grief over 4 fountains that cost $20 each.  They finally gave in....and we completed our
journey home.  Many things made the trip eventful...and I will write about them later...but for now...I thought I should make a few proper good-byes to Provo....

*Dear Luis and Cami at Sonic.....thank you for making it "your pleasure to serve me" day after day
when I arrived for my large cup of amazing sonic ice.  Thank you also for wishing me a "super Sonic day" I pulled away with my ice.  Who knew it could be such  a happy place to work!  Is it sad/scary... that I know your names?????
I have since started searching the internet to find myself a pellet ice maker...but Auntie says it would
be easier to just get myself a Sonic there is an idea;)

*Dear Nie Nie.....Let me begin this note to you by saying that I am not a creeper!  I had the good
fortune of coming upon your house one I was coming off
the hill, from visiting the home where I spent my early married days.  What a treat it was to see your
lovely home!  Your beautiful children were playing in the yard....was I tempted to stop and say hello, you ask????  Why yes I was!  When I proposed the idea to The Darlings they said no way....she will think you are a creeper.   I am pretty sure you wouldn't think that...but was fun to see your home, and maybe next year I will stop by and say Hi!

*Dear People Of are some happy folks!  Thanks for having such great manners...smiling all the time....keeping your yards inspire me!  Thank you for the cool evenings...and for making sure there were no flies while we were in town.  I didn't know what a gift that was....
until I came home;)

1 comment:

  1. Too funny about the creeper... thankfully most bloggers are just as enthusiastic about meeting others! :)


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