
August 9, 2011

Joe's Cafe


While in Utah...The Rooster golfed nearly everyday.  So that meant I was driving him from one course
to he could practice his "skills."  While driving I found myself
looking around...checking out the sights....One morning...before The Farmer joined us....I noticed
a little "hole in the wall" a place called Joe's Cafe.  It is very near to University is located in
a little strip mall where in one stop you can get yourself a very fancy prom a little insurance that you might need and plan your that is one stop shopping!  Right in the middle of that strip mall is Joe's Cafe.  I noticed it because, painted on the window were the words...
"Best Biscuits and Gravy In Utah!!!"  Now, if you know The know that he LOVES
biscuits and gravy.  I mean LOVES!!!  Through the years I have tested many recipes, on the search
for the perfect biscuits and gravy.  We do have a favorite..and I have been making it for the family for a very long time.  Anyway....I made a mental note, that when The Farmer arrived we would try
Joe's Cafe and see if his claim to fame was really true.

One morning, after The Farmer joined us.....we carefully slipped away from The Darlings...and headed to Joe's for breakfast.  I don't thing Those Darlings even noticed we were gone...untile we arrived home and they said something like...."where did you go?"  We walked into Joe's and were greeted by
Joe himself...with a huge smile...and fun jokes.  We ordered...aside from our order, he brough us a bowl of his grits to try...and we were in heaven!  I mentioned to The Farmer that I felt like we had
been transported back to Cincinnati Ohio...where we spent a few great years.  Joe came and sat at our table and told us "his story" and how he ended up in Utah....of all places.  It was some great fun!
Our breakfast order arrived....The Farmer's eyes rolled to the back of his head, when he layed that first bite of those famous biscuits and gravy...on his tongue.  He announced that they were truly the best he had tasted....and he has tasted ALOT....I made the big mistake of asking him if they were better than my recipe that I make at home...and without hesitation he answered....YES!!!
Oh wow!  I told Joe I wan't sure our marriage would last after that comment...and he just laughed and laughed.  The cafe was filled with a very diverse group of people...some families...some bikers...some local athletes...some businessmen....they were all there for the yummy food...but also becuase they
love Joe!  He moved from table to table visiting with every guest, making them feel like they were a long lost friend.  When our meal was done....Joe took our picture to place on his wall....that is covered with most every customer that has walked through his doors. We left happy....very satisfied...and vowing to return with The Darlings...knowing very well that they would love Joe's as much as we had.

I few days later....we headed out on a trip to Martin's Cove Wyoming.  The Farmer suggested a stop at Joe's before we began our drive.  The Darlings were amused by Joe.  He treated them really well...
he again served us up some tasty food....and finally took more pictures for his wall. They loved the place....and the loved Joe!  We have since recommended it to several people...and they have each
enjoyed Joe's....and have promised to make it a regular stop.

The BEST Biscuits and Gravy in Utah!!!


PreShie, getting ready to dig into her yummy breakfast!

The Farmer's amazing "Joe's Burger"  It was so amazing that he had to eat it with a fork!



Joe really took to The Boy...they became dear friends instantly!  He made sure that I took this picture....just like it is!  If you are close to University Mall...stop in and visit Joe....
You will be glad you did!!


  1. Ooohh... I am SOOOO gonna stop by Joe's! That looks delish! 12 years of living in Utah County and I've never come accross "Joe's"?!

  2. I never even heard of this place, but we have got to go!
    Big Daddy he loves, loves, loves,
    bisquits and gravy too!
    and what a character that Joe seems to be.
    gotta love that pose with the boy and joe!
    thanks for the recommendation.

    ps- yeah that wordless Wed. pic- posted today, cuz i thought today was Wed..i really love how it turned out- it's one of my favorite shots.


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