
September 27, 2011

"Fall"....On The Farm.....


I personally think that "The Farms" are beautiful at any time of the year..they change dramatically from
season to season...their purpose is different in each season...I guess it is really like each
of us...(that was really deep and meaningful wasn't it!)...anyway...I love the Winter months...
the rest that both the ground and The Farmer need so much...I love the begining of Spring, when
the ground has awoken and is being prepared for another crop..certainly the late Spring
and Summer season...the harvest season...when all that was planted is breaking through the
ground and the production of the different "fruits" begins...and finally the is a beautiful and
rewarding time of year...most of the time;)  Any finally...Fall...the harvest is finishing up and
preparations are starting to allow the ground to rest again.  It is a lovely that is really
fun to photograph.  Sometimes living this cycle is hard.  Sometimes it is fantastic!
Farming makes humble men....yes it does!

A dear friend shared a familiar story with me yesterday and substituted a farmer as the
character of interest....the summary of the story went like this...
"God isn't in the business of farming....He is in the business of the farmer...."
Somtimes that means hard experiences....this year it meant just that for many in our area.
It is hard to understand why we have to watch a year's worth of money and work be lost
in a momentary act of is very hard to watch.
"...He is in the business of the farmer...."  farming make for very humble men.
The above picture is of The out one of the pumps...he sure got wet...
but it made for some great pictures!

This group of people come from the most southern part of Mexico...they come to work during the
harvest season....they are colorful...happy...and simple.



The Farmer insisted that The Rooster have his picture taken in the middle of a dry field of corn....
as you can see...he was not at all happy about it...he complained ALOT!!!
Most of the time he was scratching...he said the corn was really itchy...
It turned out to be a great picture..capturing The Rooster perfectly!!

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